There is a saying that I picked up from a couple of sources – the sermon is first preached at the preacher. If it is to be effective, it has to move preacher’s heart and mind. My study this week did that to me. I hope a little of that made it into the sermon. Unfortunately I have a feeling that this was written more for reading than speaking. I was treading on the subject of money and risk – something that I do have those 10,000 hours invested to understand at a deep level. (It was the parable of the talents.) It was also treading on the subject of living eschatologically. That is a two dollar seminary word for living in the knowledge of how it all works out. Moving from just a statement of belief in the resurrection (as we say in the creeds) and to a practical figuring it out the implications in this world is the core of living the Christian life. It was a great topic, but I’m not sure I found the right ways to express it. Providentially it is a major biblical topic, so I’ll have more chances to rack up those 10,000 hours to have a deep knowledge about what I’m talking about.