Rejoice! The Lord Has Made His Home With You

Biblical Text: 1 Chronicles 16:1-36

This was the first Midweek Advent service of the season. The Theme of all of them is Rejoice! This specific one looks at a text a guarantee you have not spent time with. It is David moving the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem from Chronicles. There are lots of interesting things about this story. The sermon mentions a few of them, but it leaves those for you contemplation. Because the main addition of Chronicles in this regard is the re-worked Psalm of David. It gives us a couple of reasons to Rejoice: the works of God and the name of God. The works of God point us to who God himself is. That Ark that is moving is the summary of the works. It is the proof that God has made a home among his people. What the Tabernacle or Temple hides in the Old Testament is revealed in the New Testament when God makes his home among his people in the flesh. The incarnation of Jesus Christ.

The King’s Peace

Biblical Text: Luke 19:28-40

This is the first Sunday of Advent and the Gospel text is always Palm Sunday – the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The theme or motif of the day is the Advent or Coming of the King. What this sermon takes up is our distance from even the idea of a King. What does it mean to have a King? What are successful Kings? And how is the Kingdom of Heaven different from all those?

The core of being a king is to reign. But there are many ways that reign is established, justified and judged. The Reign of Jesus is specific in two ways called out by the crowds. It brings peace and it brings glory to the highest. This sermon develops how we live in that peace and how we can recognize and join in the glorification.

Thanksgiving 2024

I keep trying to do Thanksgiving justice. I don’t think I ever really do. The sermons where I give in to just quoting old American Presidential Thanksgiving proclamations I think are better. They at least remind us of who we used to be. This sermon isn’t terrible. I think if I ever crack the sermon I want to give it is going to be something like this. It is on the difference between the glory story and the grace story. If you are telling the glory story, you can’t be in Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving only comes to those who received the grace. Part of the problem is that starting with this week the job has 4 hard deliverables a week. And you just don’t have the contemplation time. Part of the problem is that I try and limit occasional sermons (i.e. non-Sunday mornings) to 8-10 mins. Which means you can’t really develop anything. And the normal texts for the day – the 10 lepers with 1 returning to give thanks – have a whole lot else going on. This one is working more with Cain and Able and Psalm 50. That psalm is the key. I return to this theme about every 7 years to fight it out once more. This is better than the last one. Anyway. I hope you all had wonderful Holidays.

Return of the King

“And this the name by which it will be called: The LORD is our righteousness.” – Jeremiah 33:16

The first Sunday of Advent always seems out of place to me and I’m not exactly sure why.  The primary gospel lesson assigned has always been Palm Sunday. It is the Advent of the King. I think it might be because the Pastor I had growing up always switched the lesson up.  If my memory is still working, I tend to remember a couple of Apocalypse Sundays. And there is an alternate text given.  It could also just be that as an American, speaking about Kings seems foreign, maybe traitorous. We are citizens, not subjects. But the Advent Palm Sunday is about all the legends of the Return of the King and a dwelling of peace.

In the Old Testament you can talk about three covenants. (Well, there is a 4th, but that one with Noah is something of a prefigurement of the three.  Noah receives the promise of no more floods which can only be received by faith.  And immediately after men have no faith and start building the Tower of Babel.  Noah also receives a bit of the law in regards to killing men and animals (Genesis 9). And according to the apocryphal book of Jubilees that Noahide law had six of the 10 commandments.)  The three primary covenants are the one of Faith through Abraham, the law of Sinai through Moses, and the promise of a King with an eternal throne through David.  The old testament reading for this Sunday (Jeremiah 33:14-16) reminds of all three covenants.  “At that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David, and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.”

We have a natural sense of justice. Those Noahide laws, the 10 commandments, are a revelation of the natural law. A major part of the purpose of a King is to execute justice. But a King is also called “Your Grace.” Not only executing justice, the King is to execute righteousness.  And it is that grace, that righteousness which is tougher.  We have no true innate sense of righteousness. We only know it when we see it. And even then in our fallen condition don’t always see it let alone desire it.  Because right now, to fulfill the law and justice, the cross is our righteousness. Our King took his own punishment.  The LORD is our righteousness that he might treat us by his grace.

On that first Advent the King came to execute righteousness. “In those days Judah will be saved (Jeremiah 33:16),”  But we await the return of the King.  “In those days….Jerusalem will dwell securely.” We know the law, but the devil the world and our flesh are still too much with us.  Our righteousness and salvation are sure in Christ, but what we will be has not yet appeared. We walk in danger all the way.  The stewards can be faithless.  Tragedies befall kingdoms of this world. We long for the righteous branch.  We wait for the King to approach Jerusalem once again.  And to enter that heavenly city, where the righteous might dwell securely under the eternal throne.

It’s Camelot and Gondor and Rome and Constantinople and Shang-Ri-La and Atlantis and Avalon and every legend, but made real. The LORD becomes incarnate. The LORD has raised up a righteous branch for David.  The LORD keeps his promises. His covenants are true.  The King shall come when morning dawns. And he shall execute justice and righteousness. And we shall dwell securely under his throne.

Keep Awake

Biblical Text: Mark 13:24-37

The last Sunday of the Church Year. The gospel reading was the second half of Jesus’ Apocalypse. It is in this part that I think Jesus is doing two things. First he is more fully answering the disciples two questions. After shocking them with the revelation that the temple would be destroyed, the disciples asked two questions. 1) When and 2) What are the signs? There is a base sense that everything Jesus says can be taken as answers to those questions. The second thing that Jesus is doing is letting that destruction of the Temple – the End of A World – stand in for the End of The World. And the reality that Jesus is revealing is that we all meet the End of A world. This sermon expands on that. Those experiences he calls the tribulation. “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened… (Mk. 13:24 ESV).” After the tribulation comes the end. We ask for the signs in the hope of skipping or mitigating the tribulation. But that isn’t what it is for. The tribulation is there so we might learn to trust God and his faithfulness. The sermon also expands on that. Instead, how do we live in such times? Jesus ends his apocalypse with the parable. “A man is going on a journey, and he leaves his servants in charge of the house, each to his own work…”. How do we live? We do the work of the house. When Jesus says stay awake, that is what he means. The sermon also expands on this, that we might stay awake.

Proper Wonder

“Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look at the earth beneath…- Isaiah 51:6”

Every landscape has its own features that if you look at them – see them – cause you to fall into wonder about time and distance, about how short and small are yours and how long and far is the earth.  As a child of the Midwest being able to stare into the distance and see all the way to the horizon.  Growing up on the Mississippi, and having known a kid swept away by the river, its power unknowable.  The age of the Allegheny mountains worn down and centuries of mines that haven’t come close to exhausting the supply. And when moving out to Arizona, seeing actual mountains for the first time gave new meaning to the call for the mountains to fall on us.  I remember the feeling driving through them up to Las Vegas for a baseball tournament.  How the mountains, if they even noticed the cars traveling like ants through them, must be chuckling at all the hustle.  They were there before anything and would outlast everything.  And then you lift up your eyes to the heavens and consider the time span it took for the light of many of the stars to reach us, lengths so long that you have to make up words – light-years, parsecs – such that you can fool yourself that you comprehend what you are thinking about.

God tells his people to look at these things.  Feel those feelings. And then He says, “for the heavens will vanish like smoke, and they earth will wear out like a garment, and they who dwell in it will die in a like manner (Isaiah 51:6).”  As magnificent and eternal as the material world looks, to God is it temporal.  Nothing more than smoke that blows away.  A favorite garment that eventually becomes threadbare and hole-y. That is not only the way of all flesh, but of all matter. It is here for a time.  But that time is nothing compared to its purpose.

The purpose of the material is so that we might understand the glory and righteousness of God.  “My salvation will be forever, and my righteousness will never be dismayed (Isaiah 51: 6).” Our souls which are still able to be struck by the time and distance of the heavens above and the earth beneath are able to learn through them about the one who supports them all.  We are able to know that God is just and his law has gone out from him, and that his law is a light to the peoples. (Isaiah 51:4).  We are also able to know, because He took on our flesh, He entered our material, that His salvation has gone out.  And that salvation reaches as far as the coastlands (Isaiah 51:5).  The coastlands, which to the hill people of Judea were Tarshish, the unimaginable ends of the earth, hope in the LORD.  The coastlands are part of the covenant.

It is the last Sunday of the Church year.  The long green season is at its end.  The colors go blue or purple next week.  Another cycle of fast and feast begins. In the midst of the hustle of the next month, take a minute to lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look – see – the earth beneath.  Let the natural wonder come.  But then let that wonder attach to what it all gives witness to. The one who made it all. While thus they sing your Monarch, Those bright angelic bands, Rejoice, O vales and mountains, and oceans clap your hands. 


Biblical Text: Mark 13:1-13

We are in the last two Sundays of the Church Year. The Gospel readings for those Sundays are usually given over to Jesus on the Last Days or The Apocalypse. And compared to how folk American Christianity treats the Apocalypse, a Lutheran approach is quite different. Apocalypse originally just meant a revealing, a lift in the veil. And that is what the apocalypse of Jesus does. It reveals the way of the world.

Jesus’ apocalypse always starts with the disciples pointing at the temple and the great stones. The 2nd Jewish temple was one of the wonders of the world. Their point it out is pointing out something like the tower of babel. Look at this thing that “we” did. Of course in the preceding stories that take place in the temple courts, Jesus reveals everything that those beautiful stones cover over. And the revelation to the disciples is that not one thing will be left. All of the glamour of the world, every spell it casts to distract from its sin caused rot, will be exposed and destroyed.

The sermon I said it very Lutheran. There is a law reason and the gospel reason for the revelation. And that is what this sermon explores. How the apocalypse delivers us. Delivers us from the glamour. Delivers us to the authorities. Delivers us to our callings to witness. And ultimately delivers us.

Keeping Track

One of the things I put together for congregational meetings is a summary of attendance and giving.  If you’ve been to a congregational meeting you’ve seen my slide. I often joke with those close that the reason I do it is that I need more reasons to be depressed.  Although that failed when I put it together for our June meeting.  All the numbers were up.  I could tell a glory story.

But that leads to some of the real reasons. I’d like to tell a glory story, but the glory story only belongs to Christ. As Paul wrote, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. (1 Cor. 3:6-7)” If the numbers are good, praise be to Christ who has blessed us.  When things are good, thanksgiving is always a good response.

Another reason I put together such numbers is to give a moment for contemplation if they are bad. Call it a first use of the law – the curb – reason. I’d rather hit a curb than a wall.  And the longer you put off some contemplations the taller the curb gets. Looking at numbers at least twice a year is the opportunity to ask “has something changed that needs repentance?”  Repentance is always an appropriate response of faith.

But even if the top line numbers are down, that might be hiding a different type of growth.  A growth that is not easy to measure or put a number on. Part of that contemplation is thinking about ways that we might have experienced Spiritual growth. Spiritual growth often comes about through a season of pruning (John 15:2).  We tend to equate Spiritual growth with mountain top experiences.  But you got to the mountain through the pain of climbing. The path Jesus often wants us to walk in through the valley to the cross (Luke 9:51). In this world the saving story is not the glory story, but the story of the cross.  Adam’s curse was that all growth would come through hardship (Genesis 3:19). The world does not recognize God on the cross, but to we who believe this is the power and wisdom of God (1 Corinthian 1:24).

Which I suppose leads to the final reason which is part of our Epistle lesson this week.  “Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.  And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” That reason is encouragement.  We are united in our belief.  We have been united in our baptisms. We are united around the body and blood of Christ.  This is our confession.  These are the promises of Christ.  That wherever two or three are so gathered, there Christ will be. He promised to be present in Word and Sacrament. You might meet him elsewhere.  We can’t bind God.  But He has bound Himself there. And He is faithful to his promises. Do not neglect the gathering.  Don’t let it become a habit.  We so easily fall into bad habits. But take encouragement, for the Day is certainly drawing near.  And taking encouragement, a renewing of faith in the one who is faithful, is the necessary response.

Authority: Temporal and Eternal

Biblical Text: Matthew 5:1-12

The day on the Church calendar was All Saints (Observed). The day on the secular calendar is election week. It is a good time to talk about the Kingdoms of the Law and the Kingdom of the Gospel. And that is what this sermon does. It first talks a bit of doctrine. What does the church teach about authority? And the basic teaching is that all authority is God given. The real question is how it is used and how it is ordered. Rightly ordered authority places the temporal under the eternal. Rightly used temporal authority is used for the love of God and the good of our neighbor. But the role of temporal authority is primarily a curb (first use of the law). The role of gospel authority is to justify and sanctify sinners.

The sermon, reflecting on the beatitudes (the gospel text for the day), then tries to draw some applications for how Christians live in the overlap of both legitimate Kingdoms. And how our hope – realized by the church at rest, those All Saints we remember – is the perfectly sanctified sitting on the throne and the joining of the Kingdoms. Not yet, but soon.

Saints of the World Series

So the World Series is over.  I didn’t think anything could make me feel sorry for the Yankees, but that game did. I used to root for Gerritt Cole when he was a Pirate.  It is inexcusable not getting over to first base for the last out.  The last out before the Dodgers would score five in the inning to tie it.  Five unearned runs, but also in a strange way completely earned, as the pitcher didn’t cover the bag. And Rizzo.  As a Cubs fan, I will always love Rizzo.  But seeing him field the ball and just hold it, as there was no one there to toss it too, painful.  Then Judge dropping an easy line drive.  He hasn’t dropped that one since he was 12 years old. And he was building such a redemption arc at the plate in the game. And it all dribbled out of the glove. Unlike most Yankees who are great heels (Wrestling terminology), Judge, Cole and Rizzo are babyfaces.

And the series was strangely anti-climactic.  It was Yankees-Dodgers.  That is the stuff of Americana. Those series are legendary.  And it started off with that feel.  Freddie Freeman with a walk-off grand slam in the 10th inning.  Are you kidding me?  And Yamamoto pitched a gem.  But then you had a bullpen game…in the World Series? What would Koufax, Gibson or even Maddux think.  I’m sure they could stutter something about how the game has changed.  But in their hearts aren’t they a bit judgmental? Are you kidding me, give me the ball, it’s the World Series.  And then it ends 4-1. One game so it isn’t a sweep, but no grand comeback. No last flight to LA. No winning at home. Just a crisp NY evening and a celebration in front of cameras.

One of the famous lines from the movie Moneyball is “how can you not be romantic about baseball?” Cue James Earl Jones and the army of steamrollers, but the one thing that has remained constant is baseball.  But Yankees-Dodgers didn’t live up to the Romance. And if Yankees-Dodgers can’t live up to it, what about any of us toiling away in the minors?

The Feast of All Saints is that day for all of us. It is that day for those of us still in the church militant. Still toiling in the minors? We feebly struggle.  Even the mighty Judges. But maybe it is even more to remind us that we are part of a great Romance.  The story of Christ and the church. And whether one is a saint that has their own day on the calendar, one known only to a handful, or one forgotten by the world; they are all remembered and held dear by God.

Whether represented by the mystical 144,000 (12x12x1000 or the full number of the saints of all times and places) or by the more realistic number “a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages (Revelation 7:9).” All of us will in glory shine.

Today we might come out of the great tribulation.  Much of that tribulation caused like those 5 runs by ourselves, because of sin not covering the bag. But our salvation, the salvation of all saints, is not by our works.  “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and the lamb (Revelation 7:10),”  God looked upon us and would not let the sinner die, but he had compassion. And the drops, and the missed covers and disappointments that pile up? “God will wipe away every tear from their eyes (Revelation 7:17).” We are part of a great Romance. So let the distant song steal on your ear.