Behold…The Messenger

Biblical Text: Malachi 3:1-7

This is the second midweek advent service following the theme of “Behold”. If week one the “behold” told us to look closely at the promise itself, this week’s text is more about how that promise is fulfilled. The Lord comes to his temple usually following a messenger. This homily attempts to “behold” those messengers in our day.


footwashingiconI was invited to guest this morning on KFUO’s morning program, “His Time”. KFUO is the St. Louis and internet radio of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.

The text was John 13:1-20 which is Jesus washing the disciple’s feet.

Here is the bible study.

Here is the short homily.

Head on over the KFUO to listen in at your convenience. It was a great experience and fun. I hope that my phone running out of juice toward the end wasn’t too loud.